He Said He Left Her At Her Favorite Slot Machine

My sister and I stood in front of each other. I felt anger go through me.

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Cracking a window, Natsu lit a cigarette. Groaning, he saw he only had two left. He used to smoke half a pack a day, but now he was forced to use them sparingly. Trying to quit left him moody and restless, so he smoked when he could. Inhaling deeply, he filled his lungs with smoke before blowing it towards the window.

'You wouldn't.' I said.

'I would.' She answered with a smirk.

'Oh come on! I have kept all your secrets. Why do you have to tell mom and dad about this?' I asked.

'Because nothing I have done is as bad as what you have done.' She answered. 'And for once I would like to see you go down. For once I would like to see you spanked.'

S3000 7 times pay slot machine. 'Um, news flash.' I said rolling my eyes. 'Dad would not spank me. I am sixteen, way too old for spankings where as you are ten.'

My little sister was right about one thing, as much as a trouble maker she was, she never did anything as bad as I had. Normally I was one who got good marks and I had joned several sports team. Everyone believed I was the good girl. It made Christine jealous so she acted out, she started fights at school with girls or boys. She stole things from people.

I was tired of being the good girl though. Everyone stared at me and called me a goody two shoes. Mobile casino free bonus 2015. Sometimes I wished my parents would say the words 'You are grounded.' to me. Not that I would like to be grounded since I enjoy my freedom but I hadn't made my parents to angry at me since I was eight years old and sometimes I wanted to get in to a good argument with my dad like my little sister did.

Don't get me wrong, I liked having my parents trust. It's just I need excitement in my life and I guessed that was why I did what I did. Only I didn't want my parents to find out. I didn't want them to lose trust in me like they certainly would. I didn't want to be grounded (even though the words 'You are grounded.' sounded good to me. I just didn't want to be grounded.) I had thought everything was ok until my little sister found out. She had been wanting to prove to everyone that I wasn't the golden girl for a while. I didn't like that, she was suppose to look up to me. She was supposed to admire me but she didn't.

I knew vandalizing the elementary school gym with my new friends wasn't the way to go about it but I had enjoyed the excitement. The worries of being caught and mainly just looking cool to people. When my parents had learned that people had written swear words and drew vulgar pictures on the walls of the elementary school they were furious. My father believed that whoever did it should be punished severely for putting horrible stuff where small children could see it. My parents were over protective of small children so this went against their morals.

'Well you'll be punished anyway. Dad will make sure everyone knows you did it, and that he is ashamed. You know how he is.' Christine said. 'And I think what you did was wrong. You wanted friends but you won't have any when people find out what you did.'

'But people won't find out because I can crack that skull of yours if you let it slip.' I told her.

'And you know how mom and dad feels about threats. Besides even if I don't tell them they will find out. Sooner or later someone will find out and the whole town will know it was you. You might as will get it over with.'

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'Well maybe by then I'll be in college and it's not like they'll have proof. So keep your mouth shut.' I said.

'Oh they'll have proof.' Christine said.

From behind her back she pulled out a tape recorder. I gasped, why hadn't I noticed her hands behind her back? I started after her but Christine was a faster runner than me. She instantly took off. I sighed and sat down. She wouldn't, I knew she wouldn't. She would just use the tape to blackmail me.

It was a week later and still no one had any leads on who destroyed the Elementary school gym. I whistled as I walked home feeling proud of myself. I could be bad and no one had to know. I guessed I just needed to prove it to myself more than anything. I walked into my house and headed into the kitchen. There sat my parents and Christine.

'Hi.' I said brightly.

I felt happy. I had made out with a guy on his lap skipping last class. He was a very good-looking guy. Most guys who liked me were homely looking.

'So.' My mother said. 'You skipped last class.'

'Oh um yes. It was such a nice day out today.' I said.

My parents really never got angry about us skipping school close to the end of the year, I assumed the school had called.

'You must think you are quite the little rebel lately don't you?' Dad asked.

'Why? What do you mean?' I asked.

'Your sister played us quite an interesting tape today.' My motehr said.

I looked at my sister and felt my face go pale.

'So you destroyed the school gym did you?' Dad asked. 'What else have you been doing?'

When I didn't answer he stood up.

'You'll be punished of course. You'll help repaint the school gym and every pay cheque you get from now on will go straight to the repairs of that gym. And you're grounded.' He said.

'Oh, of course. Um, I'll go to my room now and stay there.' I said not showing defiance like my little sister usually did.

'Yes you will but not until you get a spanking for threatening your sister, keeping secrets for your sister and of course ruining the gym.' My mother said.

'Oh come on.' I said laughing. 'Spankings are for kids who don't understand what they are doing is wrong. I know what I did was wrong and I won't do it again.'

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'If you understood what you did is wrong, you definitely deserve a spanking. It's one thing not knowing better but to do it while you know it's wrong is worse. Now get over here.' Dad said.

'You're not serious.' I said. 'I'm too old.'

Dad grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. He sat in his chair and laid me over his lap.

'If I can still pull you over my lap, you aren't too old.' He said.

He pulled my underwear down and I nearly screamed. This was my father looking at a private part of mine. It wouldn't be so much if it were my mother.

'You pervert!' I yelled.

'A colleague of mine still spanks his daughter and she is eighteen. There is one thing between being perverted and punishing. Trust me I do not feel comfortable doing this any better than you do. I do have my morals you know.' He said.

'Yea well one of them should be not staring at your daughters bare ass!' I yelled.

'Oh I'm not looking, I don't have to look to know where I should hit and the longer you keep this up the more we'll be both uncomfortable.' He answered.

'I'll call the police.' I said.

'Go ahead, once I am done go on and tell them. You might as well tell them the reason I spanked you too.' Dad said.

I tried to pull away but he was too strong. The next moment seemed like an eternity before he hit my behind when only it was a few seconds. He smacked my behind as hard as he could and I let out a screech of pain. I had forgotten how much his spankings hurt.

'No more.' I begged. 'Please.' He ignored me and I felt another, harder stinging slap. I flinched wiating for the last one that should hurt, my parents only ever slapped us three times. The third one seemed to be the worse of them all but he didn't stop at three be continued smacking my bottom as hard as he could and fast. Then I felt him pull my pants up and he pushed me away.

I pushed my sweaty bangs from my eyes and wiped away my tears.

'Do you want the phone?' He asked.


He Said He Left Her At Her Favorite Slot Machine Wins

I shook my head. 'I'm going to go lay on my stomach for awhile.' I said.

'Oh no you aren't. You are going to sit on the hard chair and tell me what went on through your mind to make you think you should do what you did.' He said.

He pulled Christine close to him and then lifted her on his lap. 'And you'll apologize to Christine while you are at it.' He said.

She smirked at me and snuggled cosily in his arms.

I didn't actually want to see my older sister spanked but I wanted her to get what she deserved. I stood near my mother as they yelled at my sister. Then my father pulled her over his lap and I listened as she yelled about him being a pervert. I watched as he raised his hand and smacked her hard, harder then he ever hit me. I leaned against my mother as I saw the red hand mark left over on her bottom. I counted each slap. He hit her ten times, an amount that was surely illegal. Her bottom grew redder and redder and soon there was blood. I gasped. This was not my dad, he didn't abuse us.

When it was over he forced her to sit in the chair and he pulled me on his lap, maybe sorry that he had scared me. I looked at Sarah's grimace of pain as she sat in the hard chair. I smirked at her and then laced my arms around my fathers neck.

'I'm-I'm sorry I threatened you.' She said to me.

'It's ok.' I said.

Dad made her sit in the chair as he made soem phone calls. I kept smiling at her from his lap. I mouthed. 'I am very comfortable on daddies knee.'

'She is making fun of me.' Sarah said.

I didn't hide my smirk fast enough. Dad looked at my face and he looked angry. Qiuckly he shoved me off his lap, pulled me over it pulled my pants down fast. He smacked my bottom. He only his me three times but it hurt more than any other time that he done it. He then pulled me back on his lap and gave me the kissed he usually did after a spanking.

At the final table of the 1997 World Series of Poker Main Event, which was played in the summer heat on Fremont Street outside Binion’s Horseshoe, Stu Ungar prevailed to capture a $1 million top prize and his third WSOP Main Event title (he also won in 1980 and 1981).

During his winner interview with Gabe Kaplan, Ungar held up a photo of his then 14-year-old daughter, Stefanie, and expressed his love. It was clear she was the center of his world.

“I love you honey, and I’ll be seeing you soon,” he said.

This past week, Stefanie Ungar-Campbell, who is now all grown up, offered poker fans an inside look at her father – who would pass away in 1998 – by giving them the opportunity to ask her anything on various social media outlets. It was in remembrance of the 22nd anniversary of her father’s passing on November 22.

Ungar-Campbell, who is now 38 years old and living in Las Vegas with her husband and two children, has been active on social media in 2020 sharing photos and stories of her father. Below are some of the questions and answers compiled from her recent AMA.

Q: Did your father teach you poker?

A: No, he never wanted me to learn poker.

Q: Who did your father respect as an opponent at the table?

A: Chip Reese

Q: How old was your father when he died and what was the cause?

A: He was 45 years old and he died of heart failure.

Q: Are you married?

A: Yes, happily to my best friend. (*She’s been married to Brian Campbell since 2010)

Q: As far as poker ability/style, who would you say is comparable to your father?

A: Since I don’t play I’ll go with Mike Sexton’s opinion and say Phil Ivey.

Q: Do you play poker?

A: No, I don’t play … but I do like Blackjack if I did feel like playing anything. Most people are amazed I don’t play. I didn’t get that mathematical gene that he had. But yes I definitely love Vegas! Born and raised here!

Q: Just wondering if your dad ever secretly wrote down his ideas on poker strategy? More so on any tells that anyone could use to better their game?

A: No, never. He used to say that he knew what he knew but he didn’t know how. His mind was brilliant. Truly a gift.

He Said He Left Her At Her Favorite Slot Machine

'He actually used to pay our friends teenage son $20 to take the trash out. That still cracks me up to this day.'

Q: What are three words to describe your father?

A: This is a hard one to narrow down. I’d say charismatic, sharp, witty, discerning and loyal. (sorry I couldn’t pick just three).

Q: Besides gambling, besides poker, besides “habits”, what did you father have a passion or an interest in, something that the poker community would find strange or interesting?

A: My father loved learning about history. He loved black and white movies. He said if he didn’t play poker that he thought he would have been an attorney. He didn’t cook at all. In fact, he didn’t do most things in life that we find normal in the day to day. He actually used to pay our friends teenage son $20 to take the trash out. That still cracks me up to this day.

Q: Your dad struggled with drugs as many others. Have you had any issues growing up with drug/alcohol dependency?

A: No, I’ve never had any additions. A bit of my close friends did and I’ve helped at times get them into rehab programs. I did do the whole crazy teenager phase and I was definitely wild. But nothing too bad.

Q: What was your dad's favorite food?

A: He loved Italian and Chinese the most!

Q: As a kid did you get the feeling that your dad was sort of a celebrity?

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A: Yes, I did. But also, poker is even bigger now so I can’t imagine what it would have felt like today.
Q: Have you had any thoughts of writing a book or even participating in writing a screen play adaptation for another movie on your father?

A: I have. I’m would love to produce a movie about him. I need the right connections though.

Q: Have you seen the movie High Roller based on your dad and do you feel that it was done with some accuracy and in a fair portrayal?

A: I did not feel it was accurate. That why we chose not to be apart of it after they came to us with the script.

He Said He Left Her At Her Favorite Slot Machine Machines

Q: What is your most cherished memory of him?

A: Oh, so many! The times we’d spend just lying on the couch together and talking. Also, this one day he took me shopping at the mall and watched me try on all the outfits.. we laughed so much! That was a great day that I always seem to think back on.

Featured image source: Stefanie Ungar-Campbell

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    Chip ReeseGabe KaplanMike SextonStu UngarWorld Series of PokerWSOP
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